Oct 13, 2009

First painting assignment of the year. Pretty much a do whatever you want assignment as long as it was an exterior. It started out as an abandoned factory to an alley way to a harbor. I got Lisa to thank for the transition from the alley way to the harbor. In the end it worked out very well. Only problem Mike, painting teacher, had with my painting was that the part of the orange roof cast in shadow should have been painted more blue. i made the correction before i submitted it in, and he was right. the orange i had originally was to warm for something cast in shadow. Unfortunately this scan of the painting was made well before i made the correction.


First storyboard assignment of the year. For this assignment we had to choose between two poems. The Bear by Ellen Bailey and I'm Nobody by Emily Dickinson. I chose the poem by Emily Dickinson. First i had to draw out the beats of the poem. There are three beats in total, first and second beats are in the first stanza and the third in the second stanza. After lots of feed back from classmates and Nancy Beiman, i ended up with a pretty decent and clear storyboard. Special thanks to Katty for pitching my boards, SHE DID AN AWESOME JOB!

I'm Nobody by Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then There's a pair of us- don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the the livelong day
To an admiring blog!